The depths of His love.

Another trip to Ethiopia has come to a close and I’m back to life in America as best I can be.

As with last time, there’s so much to take in and process.  I will, once again, post some excerpts from my journal, as well as share more details with you in the coming weeks.

The one thing I keep thinking is this:

When you encounter pain and suffering, orphans, street kids, shame, anger, disease and all sorts of other difficulties, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed.  Sometimes I can barely stand it.  But as I come face to face with all of that, I also come face to face with Jesus.  I have come to better see and know the depth of His love.  I have looked into the eyes of so many broken and hurting people and known, in the midst of their pain, that there is a Savior who loves them and whose heart breaks for them more than mine ever could.  He looks upon all of the things I looked upon and so much more.  And He loves.

Oh, how He loves.

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