Archive for October, 2011

October 6, 2011

It’s all about Jesus.

Seeing as I haven’t blogged in nearly two months (consistency has never been my strong suit with this blog!), I thought I’d share some thoughts from my journal on Philippians 3.  Philippians never ceases to challenge and encourage me.  And the third chapter (like all of the Bible), is so chock-full of good, deep stuff.

In verse three, Paul talks about putting “no confidence in the flesh”.  For Paul, it almost seemed right to put his confidence in the flesh (his works and accomplishments).  Often it looks right and noble, but when compared with the righteousness which comes through faith in Christ, it’s garbage.  As Isaiah said, our righteousness is filthy rags before a holy God (see Is. 64:6).

Where am I putting my confidence?  Is it in myself and my ability to follow the letter of the law and to be a “good person”?  Or is it all in Christ, whose righteousness is imparted to me by faith?  Do I believe that His reward is mine?  Do I believe that I am now righteous and blameless before the living God?  Do I rest knowing how God sees me (adopted and beloved) instead of “saving face” before man?

May I press on and press in to more deeply know Jesus and to more deeply understand who I am in Him.  May I come to realize even more the worthlessness of pursuing the law in the flesh, recognizing my inability and helplessness apart from Jesus, and in that may Christ become all the more beautiful, glorious and wonderful in my heart.  Jesus is a teacher, yes– but more than a teacher, He is a Savior.  He is my Rescuer and Deliverer.  No amount of teaching could change the condition of my soul.

Paul moves on to talk about forgetting what lies behind.  Not forgetting what God has done, but letting go of those past accomplishments and deeds.  No longer finding safety or hope in those things and instead looking ahead to JESUS.  Not dwelling on past wins or losses, failures, etc., but knowing that all that matters is Jesus.  Dwelling on anything else is futile.

If we get nothing else from Philippians, let alone all of scripture, let us know this one thing:  It’s all about Jesus.